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Native advocates and on allies to gather in Washington D.C. to recognize the 100th anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act and the ongoing fight for voting rights throughout Indian Country.

Boulder, Colorado (July 31, 2024) – IllumiNative, the Native-woman-led racial and social justice organization dedicated to building power for Native peoples to advance justice, equity, and self-determination, alongside Native American Rights Fund (NARF), the nation’s premier Native-led nonprofit law firm dedicated to advancing the rights of Native Americans for more than 50 years, announce Count Our Votes: The Power of Native Voices, a series of voting advocacy events taking place on Wednesday, July 31st in Washington D.C. Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act, the events will honor the continued struggle to ensure the fundamental right to vote in Native communities across the country in preparation for this year’s critical elections.

Despite being Indigenous to the country, it wasn’t until the Indian Citizenship Act was passed in 1924 that all Native peoples born in the U.S. were granted U.S. citizenship. However, the act did not automatically grant the right to vote, leading to another 40 years of relentless struggle to secure this fundamental right in Indigenous communities across the country. Native people continue to face unreasonable barriers to accessing election services, particularly with legislators attempting to pass laws designed to disenfranchise Native voters. NARF, the steadfast defender of voting rights in Indian Country, is organizing with IllumiNative to create a space that showcases the importance of collective efforts to mobilize and energize the Native vote. 

The events – taking place at the White House and the Eaton DC Hotel – will include a screening of NARF’s short documentary series “Native Voices, Native Votes,” which highlights stories from Native voters and Tribal leaders about the history and importance of Native American voting rights, as well as the unique challenges faced today. Throughout the day, the events will emphasize powerful storytelling and unearth meaningful conversations, celebrating the enduring fight for equality, dignity, and freedom in America’s first nations. 

“The centennial of the Indian Citizenship Act is a profound milestone in our history, symbolizing both our enduring struggle and remarkable resilience. I’m excited to be in partnership with the Native American Rights Fund for our upcoming events to actively engage and empower our communities, provide a platform to celebrate our heritage and galvanize our collective strength ahead of this year’s significant elections,” said Crystal Echo Hawk, Founder and CEO of IllumiNative. “We’re taking a pivotal step in mobilizing Native voices across Indian Country and beyond, emphasizing the undeniable power of the Native vote. It is through our unity and determination that we will overcome barriers and ensure our voices resonate nationwide.”

This year’s anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act marks 100 years of persistence on the part of Native American citizens. Only when Native American voices are heard, and our votes are counted, will the promise of America’s democracy be realized,” said Jacqueline De León, Senior Attorney at the Native American Rights Fund. “We look forward to coming together in DC to share stories of struggle and progress towards our American democratic ideals.”

To learn more about the Indian Citizenship Act and its enduring legacy, please visit


About IllumiNative

IllumiNative is a Native woman-led racial and social justice organization dedicated to increasing the visibility of—and challenging the narrative about—Native peoples. Our mission is to build power for Native peoples by amplifying contemporary Native voices, stories, and issues to advance justice, equity, and self-determination. We envision a future where the self-determination and sovereignty of Native peoples is respected and supported; where our children see themselves reflected in the world around them; and where Native peoples author and drive our own narrative. 

About Native American Rights Fund (NARF): 

NARF is the Nation’s premiere nonprofit 501c(3) organization focused on applying existing laws and treaties to guarantee that federal and state governments live up to their legal obligations to Native Americans. Since 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) has provided specialized legal assistance to Native American Tribal Nations, organizations, and individuals nationwide to assert and defend the most important Native rights. In hundreds of major cases. NARF has achieved significant results in critical areas such as tribal sovereignty, treaty rights, natural resource protection, voting rights, and Indian education. NARF’s voting rights practice group articulates the barriers faced by Native voters, advocates for equitable voting laws, and uses the courts to defend the fundamental right to vote. Like us on Facebook, follow us on LinkedIn, and visit us at to learn about the latest fights to promote justice and protect Native American rights.