Indian Country’s largest survey created by Native peoples, for Native peoples.
Indian Country’s largest survey created by Native peoples, for Native peoples.
The Indigenous Futures Survey (IFS) is a multi-year Native-led research project designed to illuminate the authentic experiences, systemic challenges, and priority issues of Native peoples today. This year’s survey is the third phase of IFS, and is co-led by IllumiNative and Native Organizers Alliance, with Kauffman and Associates supporting the survey development and analysis.
The goal of IFS 3.0 is to identify the priorities of Native peoples and collect data that can be shared with Tribes, organizers, and communities throughout Indian Country. The learnings from this survey will help leaders and allies better understand our needs and priorities, and ensure that the issues that matter to us most are at the forefront of the 2024 presidential election, future policy creation, and more.
The survey is now closed.
IFS is the first survey in Indian Country that provides an opportunity for all Native peoples to be a part of shaping our future. The purpose of IFS is to identify the critical issues impacting Indian Country and motivate change through research-informed strategies.
Since it began, IFS has conducted two surveys which have seen an average participation of more than 5,600 respondents, making it the largest study created by Native peoples, for Native peoples. Previous IFS reports and findings have been shared with partners, organizers, Tribes, and communities throughout Indian Country to support them in executing research-informed outreach. We will continue to ensure that Indian Country has access to the important data on our priorities, opinions, and perspectives.
The findings from these surveys have informed policy makers on key issues important to Native peoples, identified the major priorities for Indian Country in the 2022 midterm elections, and provided insight into a broad spectrum of issues including civic engagement, identity, and culture.
IFS is a multi-year Native-led research project designed to illuminate the experiences, systemic challenges, and priority issues of Native peoples today. The purpose of IFS is to identify the critical issues impacting Indian Country and motivate change through research-informed strategies.
As a Native person in this country, your voice matters. For too long, inaccurate and misrepresented data has informed decisions that impact people and communities throughout Indian Country. This survey is an opportunity for you to take part in building power for Native peoples with your voice, lived experiences, opinions, and world views. Through data, IFS will help propel Indigenous-led priorities as the driving force influencing the future of Indian Country.
You will be asked to share your opinions, perspectives, and experiences as a Native person, and to identify priority issues for you and your community. The survey will take about 15-20 minutes.
IFS is the largest study in Indian Country that is created by Native peoples, for Native peoples. The data collected and the priorities identified through this survey will be used to inform actions at the local, state, Tribal, and federal levels. This survey begins to fill a gap in Native-led and informed research that will influence policies and other tangible actions that impact our communities. The findings from previous surveys have informed policy makers on the key issues that are important to Native people, identified the major priorities for Indian Country in the 2022 midterm elections, and provided insight into a broad spectrum of issues including civic engagement, identity, and culture.
In thanks for your time, you will have the option to enter a raffle drawing to win a $100 gift card at the end of the survey.
YES! Your responses to survey questions will be kept confidential. Reports will describe average responses, not individual responses. At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you want to enter a raffle for a $100 gift card. If you choose to enter the raffle, you will be asked to enter your name and contact information on a separate page, so that your contact information will be completely separate from your survey responses. There will be no way to connect the two.
This year, IFS is being co-led by IllumiNative and Native Organizers Alliance. We partnered with Kauffman and Associates, a Native-led research team, to design and implement IFS 3.0. Each partner contributes their unique expertise to every step of this groundbreaking research to lift up the voices of Native peoples. Together we are putting research into action to achieve equity for our people.